Book Reviews Authored by Bilkent Faculty (*)
(*) During their affiliation with Bilkent University
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Architecture
- A. Henry, "Die Türbe im Artemision" , by S. Ladstatter, Osterreichisches Arch. Inst., Vienna, 592, 2015, in Ancient West and East, 17, (2018).
- Communication and Design
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Paris in the Dark: Going to the Movies in the City of Light, 1930 1950" , by E. Somodin, Duke Univ. Press, 203, 2021, in History: J of the Historical Association, 106, (2021).
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Josephine Baker's Cinematic Prism" , by T.S. Francis, Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 216, 2021, in History: J of the Historical Association, (2021).
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Stars in World Cinema: Screen Icons and Star Systems across Cultures" , by Andrea Bandhauer and Michelle Royer,, London: I. B. Tauris, 256, 2015, in Journal of Popular Film and Television, 46, (2018).
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "French Cinema and the Great War: Remembrance and Representation" , by M. Block, B. Nevin, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 180, 2016, in Journal of Popular Film and Television, 46, (2018).
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Agnès Varda: Interviews" , by T. Jefferson Kline, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 216, 2014, in Journal of Popular Film and Television, 44, (2016).
- A. Kurtgozu, "Turkish Touch in Design: Contemporary Product Design by Turkish Designers Worldwide" , by G. Karakus, Berg Publishers, 159, 2007, in The Design Journal, 12, (2009).
- A. Suner, "Dark Passion: Fatih Akin's Head On" , by F. Akin, 2004, in Sight and Sound, 15, (2005).
- M. Mutman, "Telling Flesh: The Substance of the Corporeal" , by V. Kirby, Routledge, 1997, in Postmodern Culture, 9, (1999).
- Graphic Design
- D. Kaya-Mutlu, "Filming the Modern Middle East: Politics in the Cinemas of Hollywood and the Arab World" , by L. Khatib, London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 242, 2006, in Historical J of Film, Radio and Television, 28, (2008).
- D. Kaya Mutlu, "Radyonun Sihirli Kapisi: Garbiyatcilik ve Politik Oznellik" , by Ahiska, Meltem, İstanbul, Metis, 374, 2005, in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 27, (2007).
- Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- M.N. Ozturk, "Cities Full of Symbols. A Theory of Urban Space and Culture" , by P. Nas, Leiden, Netherlands: Leiden Univ. Press, 303, 2011, in Space and Culture, (2013).
- M. Ozturk, "Relationscapes. Movement, Art, Philosophy" , by E. Manning, Cambridge and London: The MIT Press, 2009, in CLA Journal, 13, (2012).
- C. Wilson, "Clemens Holzmeister: An architect at turning points of history" , in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 62, (2003).
- G.B. Nalbantoglu, "The Creation of Modern Athens: Planning the Myth" , by E. Bastea, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999, in J of Architectural Education, 53, (2000).
- G.B. Nalbantoglu, "The Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge" , by M. Pollak, MIT Press, 478 pp., 1997, in J of the Society of Architectural Historians, 57, (1998).
- Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
- B. Batuman, "Being Urban: Community, Conflict and Belonging in the Middle East" , by S. Goldhill, London and New York: Routledge, 265, 2020, in Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 34, (2023).
- B. Batuman, "New Islamic Urbanism: The Architecture of Public and Private Space in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia" , by S. Maneval, UCL Press, 242, 2019, in International Journal of Middle East Studies, 54, (2022).
- M. Durusu-Tanriover, "Making of Empire in Late Bronze Age Anatolia: Hittite Sovereign Practice, Resistance and Negotiation" , by C. Glatz, Cambridge: Cambridge University, 350, 2020, in Bulletin of ASOR, 387, (2022).
- M. Durusu-Tanriover, "Hittite Local Cults" , by M. Cammorasano, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature Press, 538, 2018, in Review of Biblical Literature, 22, (2020).
- M. Durusu-Tanriover, N.I. Gercek, "Hittite Landscape and Geography" , by M. Weeden, L.Z. Ullmann, Leiden: Brill, 121, 2017, in J of Near Eastern Studies, 79, (2020).
- B. Batuman, "The Transnational Mosque: Architecture and Historical Memory in the Contemporary Middle East" , by K. Rizvi, University of North Carolina Press, 296, 2015, in The Art Bulletin, 99, (2017).
- B. Batuman, "Building Modern Turkey: State, Space and Ideology in the Early Republic" , by Z. Kezer, Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 330, 2015, in New Perspectives on Turkey, 57, (2017).
- M. Durusu-Tanriover, "Citadel and Cemetery in Early Bronze Age Anatolia" , by C. Bachhuber, Sheffield: Equinox, 240, 2015, in Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 27, (2017).
- B. Batuman, "Turkey: Modern Architectures in History" , by S. Bozdogan, E. Akcan, Reaktion Books, 344, 2012, in J of Architectural Education, 68, (2014).
- E.O.Incirlioglu, "The Education of Gypsy and Traveller Children AND Gypsy Traveller students in secondary education" , by C.O'Hanlon, P. Holmes AND C. Derrington, S. Kendall, Trantham Books, 170-206, 2004, in Intercultural Education, 16, (2005).
- E.O. Incirlioglu, "New Aspects of Roma Children Education" , by H. Kyuchukov, Sofia: Diversity Publications, 178, 2002, in Intercultural Education, 15, (2004).
- E.O. Incirlioglu, "Between Marriage and the Market: Intimate Politics and Survival in Cairo" , by H. Hoodfar, Univ of California Press, 302 pp., 1997, in British J of Middle Eastern Studies, 26, (1999).
- E.O. Incirlioglu, "Children of Deh Koh. Young Life in an Iranian Village" , by E. Friedl, Syracuse Univ Press, 306 pp., 1997, in British J of Middle Eastern Studies, 2, (1999).
- E.O. Incirlioglu, "The Object of Memory: Arab and Jew Narrate the Palestinian Village" , by S. Slyomovics, Univ Pennsylvania Press, 294 pp., 1998, in British J of Middle Eastern Studies, 2, (1999).
- E.O. Incirlioglu, "Yunus Siirinden Gunumuze Yaklastirmalar: Korkma, Ebedi Varsin (Approximations From Yunus' Poetry to our Day: Have No Fear, You are Eternal" , by H. Ilaydin, Akcag, 395 pp., 1997, in British J of Middle Eastern Studies, 2, (1999).
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Management
- G. Ger, "The low-income consumer. Adjusting the balance of exchange" , by L.F. Alwitt, T.D. Donley, Sage, 192 pp., 1996, in J of Consumer Policy, 21, (1998).
- S. Ozyildirim, "Evolution, Game and Economic Behavior" , by F. Vega-Redondo, Oxford Univ Press, 1996, in J of Evolutionary Economics, 8, (1998).
- G. Ger, "Services and Advertising Effectiveness" , by J.P.H. Nillesen, in Int J of Research in Marketing, 11, (1994).
- G. Ger, "Sociopolitical Aspects of International Marketing" , by E. Kaynak, in Int J of Research in Marketing, 10, (1993).
- G. Ger, "Social Information Processing and Survey Methodology" , by H-J. Hippler, N. Schwarz, S. Sudman, in Int J of Research in Marketing, 5, (1988).
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Economics
- B. Neyapti, "The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty" , by D. Acemoglu, J.A. Robinson, New York: Penguin Books, 2019, in J of Economic Issues, 56, (2022).
- B. Neyapti, "Monetary Analysis at Central Banks" , by D. Cobham, Palgrave MacMillan, 139, 2016, in J of Economic Literature, 55, (2017).
- C. Okten, K.P. Arin, "Faculty Work and the Public Good: Philanthropy, Engagement, and Academic Professionalism" , by Genevieve G. Shaker, New York, NY : Teachers College Press, 289, 2015, in High. Learn. Res. Commun., 6, (2016).
- E. Yeldan, "The Neoliberal Landscape And The Rise Of Islamist Capital In Turkey" , by N. Balkan, E. Balkan, A. Oncu, Bergham: New York - Oxford, 314, 2015, in Research and Policy in Turkey, 1, (2016).
- S. Koray, M.R. Sanver, "Murat Sertel et l'economie publique" , in Economie Publique, 15, (2004).
- S. Koray, "Obituary-Murat R. Sertel" , by M.R. Sertel, in Review of Economic Design, 8, (2003).
- S. Koray, M. Yildiz, "Special Issue in Memory of Murat Sertel" , Springer Verlag, in Review of Economic Design, 10.
- History
- B. Torunoğlu, "Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876–1908" , by İlkay Yılmaz, Syracuse University Press, 2023, in Nationalities Papers, (2024).
- K. Weisbrode, "Russia in American Eyes: Some Telling Letters Offer a Lesson for Today" , by H. Diplo, in Real Clear History, (2022).
- L. Zavagno, F. Gulsevinc, "From Roman to Early Christian Cyprus Studies in Religion and Archaeology [Vom römischen zum frühchristlichen Zypern. Untersuchungen zu Religion und Archäologie]" , by L. Nasrallah, AM. Luijendijk, C. Bakirtziz, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 326, 2020, in J of Roman Studies, 112, (2022).
- D.E. Thornton, "Medieval Welsh Genealogy. An Introduction and Textual Study" , by B. Guy, The Bodydell Press, 524, 2020, in Studia Celtica, 55, (2021).
- K. Weisbrode, "The CSCE and the End of the Cold War: Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights, 1972–1990" , by N. Badalassi, S.B. Snyder, New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 380, 2018, in History: Reviews of New Books, 49, (2021).
- K. Weisbrode, "Shields of the Republic: The Triumph and Peril of America’s Alliances" , by M. Rapp-Hooper, MA: Harvard University Press, 272, 2020, in Diplomacy & Statecraft, 32, (2021).
- K. Weisbrode, "A New U.S. Paradigm for the Middle East: Ending America's Misguided Policy of Domination" , by P. Pillar, A. Bacevich, Aç Sheline, T. Parsi, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, 33, 2020, in Middle East Policy, 28, (2021).
- K. Weisbrode, "Great Power Rising: Theodore Roosevelt and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy" , by J.M. Thompson, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 270, 2019, in Diplomacy and Statecraft, 31, (2020).
- K. Weisbrode, "Grand Improvisation: America Confronts the British Superpower, 1945–1957" , by D. Leebaert, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 586, 2018, in The Historian, 81, (2019).
- D. Davenport, "The Tudor Cistercians" , by D.H. Williams, Leominster: Gracewing, 613, 2014, in Cîteaux: Commentarii Cistercienses, 19, (2018).
- K. Weisbrode, "The Trilateral Commission and Global Governance: Informal Elite Diplomacy, 1972–82" , by D. Knudsen, Routledge, 240, 2016, in J of Transatlantic Studies, 15, (2017).
- L. Zavagno, "Medieval Tastes: Fodd, Cooking, and the Table (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History)" , by M.Montanari, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 280, 2015, in Meditteranean Historical Review, 32, (2017).
- K. Weisbrode, "The Roar of the Lion: The Untold Story of Churchill's World War II Speeches" , by R. Toye, Oxford Univ Press, 320, 2013, in Reviews of New Books, 14, (2015).
- T. Roberts, "A Different Sort of Marshall Plan: Kurtlar Vadisi: Iraq" , by S. Akar, 2005, in Patterns of Prejudice, 40, (2006).
- C.D.A. Leighton, "Making the Grand Figure: lives and possessions in Ireland, 1641-1770" , by T. Barnard, New Haven Conn: Yale University Press, 497, 2004, in Irish Studies Review, (2005).
- T. Roberts, "Iron Tears: America's Battle for Freedom, Britain's Quagmire: 1775-1783" , by S. Weintraub, New York: Free Press, 375, 2005, in History: Reviews of New Books, 33, (2005).
- S.J. Shaw, "The History of Turkey" , by D.A. Howard, Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 241, 2001, in The Historian, 66, (2004).
- T. Roberts, "Revolutionary Currents: Nation Building in the Transatlantic World" , by M. Morrison, M. Zook, Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 192, 2004, in History: Reviews of New Books, 33, (2004).
- A. Somel, "Imperial Classroom: Islam, the state, and education in the late Ottoman empire" , by B.C. Fortna, Oxford Univ Press, 304, 2002, in English Historical Review, 118, (2003).
- E. Kermeli, "Islamic Law and Culture, 1600-1840" , by H. Gerber, E.J. Brill, Studies in Islamic Law and Society, 156, 1999, in Eurasian Studies, 1, (2002).
- E. Kermeli, "Ebu's-su'ud: The Islamic Legal Tradition" , by C. Imber, California, Stanford Univ. Press, 288, 1994, in Eurasian Studies, 1, (2002).
- E. Kermeli, "State, Society and Law in Islam: Ottoman Law in Comparative Perspective" , by H. Gerber, Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 233, 1994, in Eurasian Studies, 1, (2002).
- C.D.A. Leighton, "Catholics in a Protestant Country: the Papist constituency in eighteenth-century Dublin" , by P. Fagan, Four Courts Press, 201, 1998, in Catholic Historical Review, (2001).
- C.D.A. Leighton, "The Pleasing Hours: the grand tour of James Caulfield, first earl of Charlemont (1728-1799), traveller, connoisseur, and patron of the arts" , by C. O'Connor, Collins Press, 320, 1999, in Irish Studies Review, 9, (2001).
- E. Kermeli, "Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean" , by M. Greene, Princeton Univ Press, 228 pp., 2000, in Bulletin of Sch of Oriental & African Studies, 64, (2001).
- E. Kermeli, "Islamic Legal Interpretation: Muftis and Their Fatwas" , by M. Masud, B. Messick, D. Powers (eds), Harvard Univ Press, 431 pp, 1996, in J of Law and Religion, 15, (2001).
- P. Latimer, "The First English Empire: Power and Identities in the British Isles 1093-1343" , by R.R.Davies, Oxford University Press, 213, 2000, in International History Review, 23, (2001).
- A. Thornton, "Territorial Ambitions and the Gardens of Versailles" , by C. Mukerji, Cambridge Univ Press, 393 pp., 1997, in French Studies, 43, (2000).
- E. Kermeli, "European and Islamic Trade in the Early Ottoman State" , by K. Fleet, Cambridge Univ Press, 204 pp., 1999, in Bulletin of Sch of Oriental & African Studies, (2000).
- F. Towers, "Of One Blood: Abolitionism and the Origins of Racial Equality" , by P. Goodman, Univ of California Press, 303 pp., 1998, in Left History, 6, (1999).
- F. Towers, "Crossroads of War: Washington County, Maryland in Civil War" , by S. R. Keller, Shippensburg, 320 pp., 1997, in Maryland Historical Magazine, 92, (1998).
- F. Towers, "Freedom's Port: The African-American Community of Baltimore, 1790-1860" , by C. Phillips, Univ of Illinois Press, 350 pp., 1997, in Slavery and Abolition, (1998).
- C.D.A. Leighton, "Reform, Revolution and Reaction - Archbishop Troy, John, Thomas and the Catholic Church in Ireland 1787-1817" , by V.J. McNally, in Catholic Historical Review, 83, (1997).
- J. Soffer, "The Korean War - An International History" , by W. Stueck, in Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 28, (1996).
- D.E. Thornton, "The Celebrated Antiquary Dubhaltach mac Fhirbhisigh" , by N. O. Muraile, An Sagart, 427 pp., 1996, in Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies.
- D.E. Thornton, "Vita Griffini Filii Conani. The Medieval Latin Life of Gruffudd ap Cynan" , by P. Russell, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press, 221, 2005, in Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies.
- International Relations
- S.J. Hirst, "Red Star over the Black Sea: Nâzım Hikmet and his Generation" , by James H. Meyer, Oxford University Press, 2023, in The English Historical Review, 139, (2024).
- S.J. Hirst, "The Soviet Union and the Construction of the Global Market: Energy and the Ascent of Finance in Cold War Europe, 1964-1971" , by Oscar Sanchez-Sibony, Cambridge University Press, 2023, in Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 3, (2024).
- T. Fougner, "Wild Diplomacy: Cohabiting with Wolves on a New Ontological Map" , by Baptiste Morizot, State University of New York Press, 2022, in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 19, (2024).
- P. Bilgin, "International Relations in the Middle East: Hegemonic Strategic and Regional Order" , by E. Stein, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 225, 2021, in Perspectives on Politics, 20, (2022).
- E. Gheorghe, "When Pigs Fly’: Britain, Canada and Nuclear Exports to Israel, 1958-1974" , by T. Madduc, D. Labrosse, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 707-728, 2019, in H-Diplo / Int Security Studies Forum, 143, (2020).
- T. Fougner, "Sentientist Politics: A Theory of Global Inter-Species Justice" , by A. Cochrane, Oxford University Press, 162, 2018, in Global Policy Journal, (2019).
- T. Fougner, "The Emancipatory Project of Posthumanism" , by E. Cudworth, S. Hobden, Abingdon: Routledge, 188, 2018, in International Affairs, 64, (2018).
- T. Fougner, "Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations" , by E. Cudworth, S. Hobden, E. Kavalski, Abingdon: Routledge, 300, 2018, in International Affairs, 64, (2018).
- T. Fougner, "Foucault and the Modern International: Silences and Legacies for the Study of World Politics" , by Philippe Bonditti, Didier Bigo and Frédéric Gros, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 376, 2017, in International Affairs, 93, (2017).
- A. Bilgic, " Echoes of Empire: Memory, Identity and Colonial Legacies" , by Kalpyso Nicolaїdis, Berny Sébe, and Gabriella Maas, London, I.B. Tauris, 432, 2015, in Global Affairs, (2016).
- A. Bilgic, "Arab Spring and Arab Women: Challenges and Opportunities; Gender, Women and the Arab Spring; Rethinking Gender in Revolutions and Resistance: Lessons from the Arab World" , by M.S. Olimat; A. Khalil; M.E. Said, L. Meari, N. Pratt, London Routledge; London Routledge| London, Zed, 230; 144; 272, 2014; 2015 ; 2015, in Mediterranean Politics, (2016).
- N. Stone, "Between Sympathy and Self-interest: NS-Propaganda and the Turkish Press during the Second World War" , by B. Pekesen, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 242, 2014, in English Historical Review, 131, (2016).
- T. Fougner, "Shadow Sovereigns: How Global Corporations Are Seizing Power" , by Susan George, Cambridge: Polity Press, 192, 2015, in International Affairs, 92, (2016).
- D. Tsarouhas, "Austerity: the History of a Dangerous Idea" , by M. Blyth, New York: Oxford University Press, 288, 2013, in Global Affairs, 1, (2015).
- C.E. Mutlu, "Rethinking Security in the Age of Migration: Trust and Emancipation" , by Ali Bilgic, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2010, 2013, in European Review of International Studies, 1, (2014).
- T. Fougner, "New Constitutionalism and World Order" , by S. Gill, A.C. Cutler, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press, 368, 2014, in International Affairs, 90, (2014).
- T. Fougner, "Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Quantification and Rankings" , by K.E. Davis, A. Fisher, B. Kingsbury, S.E. Merry, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 504, 2012, in International Affairs, 89, (2013).
- T. Fougner, "Crtitical International Political Economy: Dialogue, Debate and Dissensus" , by S. Shields, I. Bruff, H. Macartney, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 195, 2011, in Internasjonal Politikk, 69, (2011).
- N.B. Criss, "The Donme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries and Secular Turks" , by M.D. Baer, Stanford California: Stanford Univ Press, 2010, in Turkish Studies, 11, (2010).
- T. Fougner, "Discipline in the Global Economy? International Finance and the End of Liberalism" , by J. Vestergaard, Abingdon: Routledge, 288, 2009, in International Affairs, 86, (2010).
- D. Tsarouhas, "Albania and the European Union" , by M. Bogdani, J. Loughlin, London and New York: IB Tauris, 272, 2007, in Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 10, (2009).
- N.B. Criss, "A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire" , by M.S. Hanioglu, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 264, 2008, in Turkish Studies, 10, (2009).
- T. Fougner, "Neo-Liberalism, State Power and Global Governance" , by S. Lee, S. McBride, Springer, 270, 2007, in The Journal of International Trade and Diplomacy, 3, (2009).
- T. Oguzlu, "Tormented by History Nationalisms in Greece and Turkey" , by U. Ozkirimli, S.A. Sofos, London: Hurst and Company, 220, 2008, in Turkish Studies, 10, (2009).
- N.B. Criss, "Turkey from Empire to Revolutionary republic, The Emergence of the Turkish Nation to Present" , by S. Aksin, New York University Press, 324, 2007, in Turkish Studies, 9, (2008).
- N.B. Criss, "Middle Eastern Terrorism: From Black September to September 11" , by M. Ensalaco, Philadelphia: Philadelphia Univ. of Pennysylvania, 318, 2008, in Journal of American History, 95, (2008).
- P. Bilgin, "Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory" , by V.M. Hudson, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 234, 2006, in Millenium - Journal of International Studies, 37, (2008).
- T. Fougner, "The Economy as Polity: The Political Constitution of Contemporary Capitalism" , by C. Joerges, B. Strath, P. Wagner, London: UCL Press, 227, 2005, in Review of Social Economy, 66, (2008).
- T. Fougner, "Business Power in Global Governance" , by D. Fuchs, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 233, 2007, in International Affairs, 84, (2008).
- T. Oguzlu, "The Importance of Being European: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East" , by N. Goren, A. Nachmani, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, 2007, in Turkish Studies, 9, (2008).
- N.B. Criss, "Taken Hostage: The Iran Hostage Crisis and America's First Encounter with Radical Islam" , by D. Farber, Princeton University Press, 212, 2005, in J of American History, 94, (2007).
- P. Bilgin, "Response to the Iraq Study Group Report" , by Iraq Study Report, Roundtable Forum, 2006, in International Affairs Forum, (2007).
- P. Bilgin, "Contentious Issues of Security and the Future of Turkey" , by N.A. Guney, Ashgate, 197, 2007, in Turkish Studies, 8, (2007).
- P. Bilgin, "Culture and Security: Symbolic Power and the Politics of International Security" , by M.C. Williams, Routledge, 172, 2007, in J of International Relations and Development, 10, (2007).
- P. Bilgin, "The politics of protection: Sites of insecurity and political agency" , by J. Huysmans, Routledge, 211, 2006, in Millennium- J of International Studies, 36, (2007).
- T. Fougner, "The World Economic Forum: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Global Governance" , by G.A. Pigman, Abingdon: Routledge, 175, 2006, in International Affairs, 83, (2007).
- N.B. Criss, "Exploring Ottoman and Turkish History" , by J.M. Landau, London, Hurst and Company, 387, 2004, in Turkish Studies, 7, (2006).
- S. McMekin, "Herbert Wehner" , by R. Muller, Hamburg: Hamburger Institut fur Socialforschung, 570, 2004, in Slavic Review, 65, (2006).
- N.B. Criss, "Defeat in Detail, The Ottoman Army in the Balkans,1912-1913; Ordered to Die, A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War" , by E. Ericsson, Westport, Connecticut and London: Greenwood Press, 345-304, 2003-2001, in Turkish Studies, 6, (2005).
- N.B. Criss, "British foreign policy towards Turkey, 1959-1965" , by C. Goktepe, Frank Cass, 236, 2003, in International History Review, 27, (2005).
- P. Bilgin, "Governing Insecurity: Democratic Control of Military and Security Establishments in Transitional Democracies" , by G. Cawthra, R. Luckham, London: Zed Books, 340, 2003, in Millenium: Journal of International Studies, 34, (2005).
- S. McMeekin, "How the Cold War Ended" , by J.F. Matlock, Random House, 384, in Commentary, (2005).
- S. McMeekin, "Reagan and Gorbachev: How the cold war ended" , by J.F. Matlock, Jr., Random House Publishing Group, 384, 2004, in Commentary, 119, (2005).
- T. Fougner, "Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World" , by E. Helleiner, A. Pickel, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 271, 2005, in Internasjonal Politik, 63, (2005).
- G. Tuna, "World's Apart: Globalization and the Environment" , by J.G. Speth, Washington DC, Island Press, 180, 2003, in Review of International Affairs, 3, (2004).
- M. Kibaroglu, "Turkey's Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: A Changing Role in World Politics" , by T.Y. Ismael, M. Aydin, London: Ashgate Publishing Co., 224, 2004, in Turkish Studies, 5, (2004).
- N.B. Criss, "Turkish Studies in the United States" , by D. Quataert, S. Sayari, Indiana University Press, 145, 2003, in Turkish Studies, 5, (2004).
- N.B. Criss, "Turkey: Facing a New Millenium, Coping with Interwined Conflicts" , by A. Nachmani, Manchester University Press, 264, 2003, in Turkish Studies, 5, (2004).
- P. Bilgin, "Turkish Foreign Policy and Turkish Identity" , by Y. Bozdaglioglu, New York and London: Routledge, 224, 2003, in Turkish Studies, 5, (2004).
- S. McMeekin, "Colossus: The Price of America's Empire" , by N. Ferguson, Penguin Press, 384, 2004, in Commentary, 118, (2004).
- S. McMeekin, "Beyond Moscow-Black Earth: A Journey through Russia After the Fall" , by A.Meier, WW Norton, 511, 2003, in Commentary, 117, (2004).
- S. McMeekin, "The Coming of the Third Reich" , by R.J. Ewans, New York: Penguin Press, 656, 2004, in Commentary, 118, (2004).
- N.B. Criss, "The Communists and The Kadro Movement: Shaping Ideology in Ataturk's Turkey" , by G. Harris, The ISIS Press, Istanbul, 241, 2002, in Turkish Studies, 4, (2003).
- N.B. Criss, "Turkish Foreign Policy in an age of Uncertainty" , by F. Stephen Larabee, I.O. Lesser, RAND, California, 216, 2003, in The Review of International Affairs, 3, (2003).
- P. Bilgin, "Globalisation and Insecurity in the Twenty-first-Century: NATO and the Management of Risk" , by C. Coker, The International Institude for Strategic Studies, 103, 2002, in First Review, 1, (2003).
- P. Bilgin, "Islam, the Middle East and the New Global Hegemony" , by S. Murden, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 235, 2002, in Millenium: Journal of International Studies, 32, (2003).
- P. Bilgin, "Redefining Security in the Middle East" , by T.A. Jacoby, B.E. Sasley, Manchester University Press, 176, 2002, in Millenium: Journal of International Studies, 32, (2003).
- P. Bilgin, "The New Geopolitics of Eurasia and Turkey's Position" , by B. Aras, Frank Cass Publishers, 110, 2002, in Turkish Studies, 4, (2003).
- P. Williams, "Environmental Peacemaking" , by K. Conca, G.D. Dabelko, Washington DC, Woodrow Wilson Cent Press, John Hop, 244, 2002, in International Politics, 40, (2003).
- T. Fougner, "Critical Perspectives in International Studies" , by F.P. Harvey, M. Brecher, Ann Arbor: The Univ. of Michigan Press, 223, 2002, in International Politics, 61, (2003).
- N. Stone, "Soldiers in the Outside World" , in Top Manager, (2002).
- N. Stone, "Trotsky on Prinkipo" , in Cornucopia, (2002).
- N. Stone, "The Nazis' Last Stand" , by A. Beevor, 528, in The Atlantic Monthly, (2002).
- N. Stone, "Turkey in world politics: an emerging multiregional power" , by B. Rubin, K. Kirisci, Blackwell publishers, in International Affairs, 78, (2002).
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- B.C. Coockson, "A Mudbrick City Wall at Hattusa: Diary of a Reconstruction" , by J. Seeher, Istanbul: Ege Yayinlari, 232, 2007, in J of the American Oreintal Society, 128, (2008).
- C. Gates, "Wondrous Curiosities: Ancient Egypt at the British Museum" , by S. Moser, Chicago and London, The Univ. of Chicago Press, 328, 2006, in Museum History Journal, 1, (2008).
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- Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas
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- A. Del Balzo, "The Global Indies: British Imperial Culture and the Reshaping of the World, 1756-1815" , by A.L. Cohen, Yale University Press, 320, 2021, in Journal of British Studies, 62, (2023).
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- R.M. Bruzzone, ""Thucydides 6" and "Thucydides 7"" , by C. Pelling, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 370; 306, 2022, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2023).
- R.M. Bruzzone, "Style and Necessity in Thucydides" , by T. Joho, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 354, 2022, in Classical Review, 73, (2023).
- V. Lenthe, "The Trouble With Literature" , by V. Kahn, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 194, 2020, in J of British Studies, 62, (2023).
- A. Del Balzo, ""The Convent of Pleasure" Margaret Cavendish" , by K. Weild, Red Bull Theater, 2022, in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 56, (2022).
- A. Del Bazzo, "Women and the History of Ideas in the Global Eighteenth Century," dual review of "Intelligent Souls?: Feminist Orientalism in Eighteenth Century English Literature" , by S.A. Cahill; N. Horejsi, Bucknell Univ. Press; Univ of Toronto Press, 244; 296, 2019, in Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 34, (2022).
- R. Bruzzone, "Thucydides and Sparta." , by A. Powell, P. Debnar, Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 285, 2021, in Histos, 16, (2022).
- R. Bruzzone, "Herodotus: Histories Book 5" , by P.J. Rhodes, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 263, 2019, in Classical Review, 72, (2022).
- V. Lenthe, "National Reckonings: The Last Judgment and Literature in Milton's England" , by R. Hackenbracht, Cornell University Press, 234, 2019, in Hobbes Studies, 35, (2022).
- A. Del Balzo, "Remote Theater Review" , by J. Thorn, Red Bull Theater, 2021, in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 54, (2021).
- P. Fessenbecker, "Do the Humanities need Experts or Skeptics?" , in Public Books, (2021).
- A. Del Balzo, "Venice Preserved by Thomas Otway" , by P. Puwanarajah, Royal Shakespeare Company, 2019, in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 53, (2020).
- N. Leidholm, "Center, Province, and Periphery in the Age of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos: From De Ceremoniis to De Administrando Imperio" , by N. Gaul, V. Menze, C. Baliant, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 300, 2019, in J of Hellenic Studies, (2020).
- P. Fessenbecker, "Getting Past Form: On the Value of Literary Ideas" , by R. Douthat, New York Times, 2020, in Aesthetics for Birds, (2020).
- P. Fessenbecker, "Bad Logic: Reasoning About Desire in The Victorian Novel. Review of English Studies" , by D. Wirght, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 219, 2019, in The Review of English Studies, 71, (2020).
- P. Fessenbecker, "Art and Form: From Roger Fry to Global Modernism" , by Sam Rose, Pennsylvania State University Press, 224, 2019, in Modernism/Modernity, 27, (2020).
- V. Lenthe, "How the Classics Made Shakespeare" , by J. Bate, Princeton University Press, 361, 2019, in J of British Studies, 59, (2020).
- P. Fessenbecker, "The Victorian Verse Novel: Aspiring to Life" , by S. Markovitz, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 302, 2017, in Victorian Studies, 6, (2019).
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- P. Kimball, "Byzantium and the Bosporus: a historical study, from the seventh century BC until the foundation of Constantinople" , by T. Russell, Oxford University Press, New York, 290, 2017, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 5, (2018).
- R. Bruzzone, "Thucydides and the Outbreak of War" , by S.N. Jaffe, Oxford: New York, 236, 2017, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2018).
- A. Ploeg, "Fantasy Sports and the Changing Sports Media Industry: Media, Players, and Society" , by N.D. Bowman, J.S.W. Spinda, J. Sanderson, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 328, 2016, in Reconstruction: Studies in Conte. Culture, 17, (2017).
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- P. Kimball, "Palmyra 1885: The Wolfe Expedition an dthe Photographs of John Henry Haynes" , by Be. Anderson, R.G. Outherhout, Edinburg: Cornucopia Books, 128, 2016, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 7, (2017).
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- A. Rehberg, "Die phanomenoloische Frage nach dem Ursprung der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Raumanauffassung bei Husserl und Heidegger" , by G. Neumann, Berlin: Duncker&Hamblot, 361, 1999, in J of the British Society for Phenomenology, 39, (2008).
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- English Language and Literature
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- D. Randall, "Out of Place: Englishness, Empire and the Locations of Identity" , by I. Baucom, Princeton Univ Press, 249 pp., 2000, in Victorian Review, 26, (2000).
- R. Tamplin, "A Smell of Fish and Gubu Roi: Poems & Satires 1991-1999" , by M. Sweeney and H. Maxton, Cape Poetry and Lagan Press, in Poetry Ireland Review, 67, (2000).
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- Philosophy
- D. Wolt, "The Historiography of Philosophy" , by M. Frede, Oxford, 234, 2022, in Ancient Philosophy, 43, (2023).
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- S. Berges, "Eighteenth Century Dissent and Cambridge Platonism: Reconceiving the Philosophy of Religion" , by L. Hickman, Routledge, 211, 2017, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, (2017).
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- I. Aranyosi, "New Perspectives on Type Identity: The Mental and the Physical" , by S. Gozzano, C.S. Hill, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press, 304, 2013, in Mind, 123, (2014).
- S. Wigley, "Experimental Philosophy: An introduction" , by J. Alexander, Cambridge: Polity Press, 270, 2011, in Political Studies Review, 12, (2014).
- B. Wringe, "Group Agency: The Possibility, Design and Status of Corporate Agents' and Open Minds: The Social Making of Agency and Inetntionality" , by C. List, P. Pettit - W. Prinz, Oxford Univ Press-Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 247-356, 2011-2012, in Philosophy in Review, 33, (2013).
- I. Aranyosi, "The Hand, an Organ of the Mind" , by Z. Radman, Boston MA: MIT Press, 464, 2013, in Notre Damme Philosophical Reviews, (2013).
- L. Vinx, "Coutroom to revolutionary Stage: Performance and Ideology in Weimar Political Trials" , by H. Grunwald, Oxford University Press, 252, 2012, in German History, 31, (2013).
- S. Berges, "The Impossible of Perfection. Aristotle, Feminism, and the Complexities of Ethics" , by M. Slote, New York: Oxford UP, 252, 2011, in The Philosophical Quarterly, 63, (2013).
- S. Wigley, "Health Justice: An Argument from the Capabilities Approach" , by S. Venkatapuram, Cambridge: Polity Press, 270, 2011, in Political Studies Review, 11, (2013).
- S. Wigley, "The Pursuit of Happiness: An Economy of Well-Being" , by C. Graham, Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 164, 2011, in Political Studies Review, 11, (2013).
- H.M. Demir, "The Philosophy of Information" , by Luciano Floridi, Oxford University, 405, 2011, in Mind, 120, (2012).
- S. Berges, "Ethics and the Quest for Wisdom" , by R. Kane, Cambridge, CUP, 287, 2010, in The Philosophical Quarterly, 62, (2012).
- S. Wigley, "Population and Political Theory" , by J.S. Fishkin, R.E. Goodin, Ozford: Blackwell-Wiley, 336, 2010, in Political Studies Review, 10, (2012).
- L. Vinx, "Political Technology: Four New Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty" , by P.W. Kahn, New York: Columbia University Press, 207, 2011, in Notre Damme Philosophical Reviews, (2011).
- W. Wringe, "Aggression and Crimes Against Peace" , by L. May, Cambridge Univ. Press, 366, 2008, in Philosophical Quarterly, 61, (2011).
- S. Berges, "Mirrors to One Another" , by E.M. Daldez, Blackwell, 222, 2009, in Philosophical Quarterly, (2010).
- W. Wringe, "Needs and Moral Necessity" , by S. Reader, London, Routledge, 181, 2007, in Philosophical Quarterly, 60, (2010).
- L. Vinx, "Political Constitutionalism: A Republican Defence of the Constitutionality of Democracy" , by R. Bellamy, Cambridge University Press, 2007, in University of Toronto Law Journal, 59, (2009).
- L. Vinx, "Philosophy of International Law" , by A. Carty, Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 272, 2007, in Philosophy in Review, 29, (2009).
- S. Wigley, "Basic Income: The Material Conditions of Freedom" , by D. Raventos, London: Pluto Press, 230, 2007, in Political Studies Review, 7, (2009).
- I. Aranyosi, "Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge. New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism" , by T. Alter, S. Walter, Oxford University Press, 360, 2006, in Mind A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, 117, (2008).
- I. Aranyosi, "Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows" , by R. Sorenson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 310, 2008, in Australian Journal of Philosophy, 86, (2008).
- G. Bowe, "The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy" , by E. Craig, New York: Routledge, 1077, 2005, in Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, 26, (2006).
- G. Bowe, J.D. Cowley, "Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XXVI" , by D. Sedley, Oxford University Press, 380, 2004, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2006).
- G. Bowe, J.D. Cowley, "Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XXVI" , by D. Sedley, Oxford University Press, 380, 2004, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2006).
- G. Bowe, "Plato's Clitophon: On Socrates and the Modern Mind" , by M. Kremer, Lanham, Boulder, NY, Tor. and Oxf: Lexington Books, xii+87, 2004, in The Classical Review, 55, (2005).
- G. Bowe, "Cosmos and Cognition: Studies in Greek Philosophy" , by N. Rescher, Somerset, NJ: Transaction Books, Ontos Verlag, 131, 2005, in Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, 25, (2005).
- G. Bowe, "Return to the One: Plotinus' Guide to God-Realization" , by Brian Hines, Bloomington and Salem: Unlimited Publishing, 2004, 372, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 446, (2005).
- G. Bowe, "Reading Plato's Theaetetus" , by T. Chappell, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 246, 2005, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 1040, (2005).
- S. Wigley, "A Short History of Distrubutive Justice" , by S. Fleischacker, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 190, 2004, in Political Studies Review, 3, (2005).
- G. Bowe, "Odyssey: Homer" , by E. McCrorie, R.P. Martin, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 468, 2004, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 941, (2004).
- G. Bowe, "Salt and Olives, Morality and Custom in Ancient Greece" , by J. Dillon, Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 217, 2004, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 12, (2004).
- G. Bowe, "Plato's Euthyphro & Clitophon" , by J.A. Bailly, Newburyport: Focus, 204, 2003, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 5, (2004).
- S. Berges, "Neither Bad nor Mad" , by D. Greig, Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2002, in Metapsychology, (2004).
- S. Wigley, "Corruption in Contemporary Politics" , by M.J. Bull, J.L. Newell, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 274, 2003, in Political Studies Review, 2, (2004).
- S. Wigley, "The Difficulty of Tolerance" , by T.M. Scanlon, Cambridge University Press, 273, 2003, in Political Studies Review, 2, (2004).
- W.G. Wringe, "Between Ourselves" , by E. Thompson, Exeter: Imprint Academic, 314, 2001, in Human Nature Review, 2, (2002).
- S. Berges, "Implications for Caring and Justice" , by M. Hoffman, Cambridge University Press, 2000, in Metapsychology, (2001).
- W.G.Wringe, "The Presence of Mind" , by D. Hutto, in Metapsychology, (2001).
- G. Bowe, "Archytasof Tarentum" , by C. Huffmann, Cambridge University Press, 665, 2005, in Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, 26.
- K.H. Michaelian, "Stable unconsolidated representations and competing hippocampi: Towards a (2+n)-in-1 model of collective memory consolidation" , in Memory Studies.
- L. Vinx, "Weimar als Herausforderung" , by M. Dreyer, A. Braune, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 310, 2016, in German History.
- S. Berkovski, "A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication" , by R. Hausser, Springer, 390, 2008, in Natural Language Engineering.
- W. Wringe, "Genocide - A Normative Account" , by L. May, Cambridge Univ. Press, 300, 2010, in Ethics.
- W.G. Wringe, "Upheavals of Thought" , by M. Nussbaum, Princeton University Press, 740, 2001, in Metapsychology.
- Translation and Interpretation
- B. Blackwell-Gulen, "Challenging the Axiom: Translation into a Non-mother tongue" , by N.K. Pokorn, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007, 163, in Target, 19, (2007).
- Turkish Literature
- H.E. Almas, ""The Jews of Ottoman Izmir: A Modern History" and "Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean: Urban Culture in the Late Ottoman Empire"" , by D. Danon; M. Fuhrmann, Stanford: Stanford University Press; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 272; 404, 2020, in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, 33, (2023).
- P. Cherry, "The Shaping of Turkey in the British Imagination, 1776-1923" , by D. Katz, M. Keynes, Pagrave Macmillan, 299, 2016, in Comparative Critical Studies, 16, (2019).
- E. Charriere, "Practices of Coexistence. Constructions of the Other in Early Modern Perceptions" , by M. D. Birnbaum, M.Sebok, Budapest: Central University Press, 250, 2017, in World Literature Studies, 10, (2018).
- Z. Seviner, "Araba Sevdası" , by Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, Istanbul, Iletisim Yayinlari, 355, 2015, in Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 3, (2016).
- L. Mignon, "Seasons of the Word" , by H. Yavuz, W. Andrews, New York: Syracuse University Press, 118, 2007, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71, (2008).
- L. Mignon, "Ismet Ozal: Individualitat Und Selbstdarstellung eines turkischen Dichter" , by K. Mutlu, Ergon, 108, 2004, in J of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 68, (2005).
- T.S. Halman, "Gunce Ergin, a 'Flower much as Turkey'" , by G.Y. Michaels, R. McKane, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Poems from the Kyrghyz" , by Nadyrbek, R. McKane, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Collected Poems" , by G. Turan, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "101 Bir Dize" , by G. Turan, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "The Book of Poems" , by E. Bayazit, M. Ceylan, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Her Gun Yeni Dogariz" , by N. Erman, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Gecici Anlar, Kalici Tatlar" , by B. Baykam, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Butun Eserleri" , by E.B. Lav, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "True Romance with a Sailor" , by Y. Ternar, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Abai, Book of Words" , by R. Aitkyn, R. McKane, in World Literature Today, 71, (1997).
- T.S. Halman, "Mekruh Kadinlar Mezarligi" , by A. Kutlu, in World Literature Today, 70, (1996).
- T.S. Halman, "Book of Books" , by D. Hizlan, in World Literature Today, 70, (1996).
- T.S. Halman, "Siirin Vaktine Mezmur" , by F. Demirag, in World Literature Today, 70, (1996).
- Faculty of Science
- Mathematics
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "ℓ^p-type Dirichlet spaces" , by P. J. Gerlach-Mena, J. Muller, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Springer, 19: 105-1--16, 2022, in Mathematical Reviews, (2022).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Weighted composition operators from Dirichlet-type spaces into Stević-type spaces" , by X. Zhu, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 23:1311-1323, 2020, in Mathematical Reviews, (2022).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Radial two weight inequality for maximal Bergman projection induced by a regular weight" , by . Korhonen, J. A. Peláez, J. Rattya, Potential Analysis, Springer, 54:561-574, 2021, in Mathematical Reviews, (2022).
- Y. Kurtulmaz, "On the idempotent and nilpotent sum numbers of matrices over certain indecomposable rings and related concepts" , by P.V. Danchev, Mat. Stud., 55:24-32, 2021, in Mathematical Reviews, 4230796, (2022).
- Y. Kurtulmaz, "Rings with fine idempotents" , by G. Calugareanu, Y. Zhou, J. Algebra Appl, 21:2250013-1-14, 2022, in Mathematical Reviews, 4375897, (2022).
- Y. Kurtulmaz, "A note on UN-rings" , by Y. Zhou, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 64:97-100, 2021, in Mathematical Reviews, 4243510, (2022).
- A. Degtyarev, "Singular Algebraic Curves" , by G. Greuel, C. Lossen, E. Shustin, Springer, Nature, 553, 2018, in Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 123, (2021).
- E. Yalcin, "Characterising bimodal collections of sets in finite groups" , by S. Huczynska, M.B. Paterson, Arch. Math., 113:571-580, 2019, in Mathematical Reviews, 4031760, (2021).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Bounds on integral means of Bergman projections and their derivatives" , by T. Fergusoni, Houston J of Mathematics, 45:567-588, 2019, in Mathematical Reviews, 3995485, (2021).
- E. Yalcin, "The commutativity degree in the class of nonabelian groups of same order" , by H. Rostami, Kyungpook Math. J., 59:203-207, 2019, in Mathematical Reviews, 3987701, (2020).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "The Dirichlet Space and Related Function Spaces" , by N. Arcozzi, R. Rochberg, E.T. Sawyer, B.D. Wİck, Math. Society and Monographs, 536, 2019, in Mathematical Reviews, 239, (2020).
- M.Y. Kizmaz, "On partial cap-subgroups of finite groups" , by G. Qian, Y. Zeng, J of Algebra, 546:553-565, 2020, in Mathematical Reviews, 4035961, (2020).
- Y. Kizmaz, "On the structure of Nσ-critical groups." , by C. Cao, W. Guo, C. Zhang, Monatsh. Math., 189:239-242, 2019, in Mathematical Reviews, 3949730, (2020).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Asymmetric truncated Toeplitz operators of rank one" , by B. Lanucha, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 18:259-267, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3806546, (2019).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Lipschitz continuity of Bloch type mappings with respect to Bergman metric" , by S. Chen, D. Kalaj, Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ, 43:239-246, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3753171, (2019).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Characterizations of asymmetric truncated Toeplitz and Hankel operators" , by C. Gu, B. Lanucha, M. Michalska, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 13:673-684, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3940385, (2019).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Derivatives of Blaschke products in weighted mixed norm spaces" , by A. Reijonen, The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 49:627-643, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3973244, (2019).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Reducibility for a class of analytic multipliers on the Dirichlet space" , by Y. Chen, X. Xu, Y. Zhao, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 12:1781-1790, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3864825, (2019).
- A. Degtyarev, "Rational surfaces" , by Y.G. Prokhorov, Lecture Notes of the Scientific-Educational Center, 76, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3769577, (2018).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Bergman-H¨older functions, area integral means and extremal problems" , by T. Ferguson, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 87:545-563, 2017, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3648088, (2018).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Estimates for the corona theorem on H_1^∞(D)" , by P. Banjade, Operators and Matrices, 11:725-734, 2017, in Mathematical Reviews, 3655679, (2018).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Norm of the Hilbert Matrix on Bergman Spaces" , by B.B. Karapetrovic, Journal of Functional Analysis, 274:5625-543, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3724148, (2018).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Failure of Korenblum's Maximum Principle in Bergman Spaces with Small Exponents" , by B.B. Karapetrovic, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 146:2577-2584, 2018, in Mathematical Reviews, 3778159, (2018).
- A. Gheondea, "An Introduction to the Theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces" , by V.I. Paulsen, M. Raghupahi, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 180, 2016, in J of Operator Theory, 78, (2017).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "High-Power Asymptotics of Some Weighted Harmonic Bergman Kernels" , by M. Englis, J of Functional Anlaysis, 271:1243-1261, 2016, in Mathematical Reveiws, 3522008, (2017).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Carleson Measures for Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions on the Complex Half-Plane" , by A.S. Kucik, J of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 445:476-497, 2017, in Mathematical Reveiws, 3543778, (2017).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Domination in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces" , by Y. Li, C. Wang, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 62:760-766, 2017, in Mathematical Reveiws, 3625218, (2017).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Convergence Abscissas for Dirichlet Series with Multiplicative Coefficients" , by O.F. Brevig, W. Heap, Expositiones Mathematicae, Munich, Elsevier, 34:448-453, 2016, in Mathematical Reveiws, 3578008, (2017).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Local Brunella’s alternative I. RICH foliations" , by F. Cano, M. Ravara-Vago, M. Soares, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2525-2575, 2015, in Mathematical Review, 3344680, (2016).
- A.S. Sertoz, "2-variable Frobenius problem in Z[√M]M]" , by Kim, Doyon, Int. J. Math. Comput. Sci., 10:251-266, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3403829, (2016).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On the singular scheme of split foliations" , by Correa, Maurıcio, Jr., Jardim, Marcos , Martins, Renato Vidal, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 64:1359-1381, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3418445, (2016).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Quasihomogeneity of curves and the Jacobian endomorphism ring" , by M. Granger, M. Schulze, Comm. Algebra, 43:861-870, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3274044, (2016).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On a conjecture by Wilf about the Frobenius number" , by A. Moscariello, A. Sammartano, Math. Z, 280:47-53, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3343897, (2016).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Multiplication Operators on S^2(D)" , by R. F. Allen, K. C. Heller, M. A. Pons, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 81:575-587, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3443772, (2016).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Fock-Sobolev Spaces of Fractional Order" , by H. R. Cho, B. R. Choe, H. Koo, Potential Analysis, 43:199-240, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3374109, (2016).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "On Absolute Values of Q_K Functions" , by G. Bao, Z. Lou, R. Qian, H. Wulan, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 53:561-568, 2016, in Mathematical Reviews, 3483459, (2016).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Distortion Theorem for Locally Biholomorphic Bloch Mappings on the Unit Ball B^n" , by J. Wang, Bull. Malaysian Math. Sci. Soc., 38:1657-1667, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3393846, (2016).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A New Approach to the Corona Theorem for Domains Bounded by a C^(1+α) Curve" , by J. M. Enríquez-Salamanca, M. J. González, Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica, 40:767-772, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3409702, (2016).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Singularities of elliptic curves in K3 surfaces and the Beauville-Vıisib zero-cycle" , by H-Y. Lin, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., 7:227-242, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews, 3280581, (2015).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Fitting Ideas and multiple points of surface parameterizations" , by B. Botbol, L. Buse, M. Chardin, J of Algebra, 420:486-508, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews, 3261469, (2015).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Period computations for covers of elliptic curves" , by S. Rubinstein-Salzedo, Math. Comp., 83:2455-2470, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews, 3223341, (2015).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Weighted Composition Followed abd Preceeded by Differentiation Operators from Zygmund Spaces to Bloch-Type Spaces" , by J. Long, C. Qiu, P.Wu, J of Inequalities and Applications, 2014:152-1--12, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews, 3239822, (2015).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A Primer on the Drichlet Space" , by O.El-Fallah, K. Kellay, J. Mashreghi, T. Ransford, Cambridge Tracts in Math, 211, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews, 3185375, (2015).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Inner Functions and Inner Factors of Their Derivatives" , by K.M. Dyakonov, Integr. Equations and Operator Theory, 82:151-155, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3345636, (2015).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A Note on Drichlet-Type Spaces and Cyclic Vectors in the Unit Ball of C 2" , by A. Sola, Archiv der Mathematik, 104:247-257, 2015, in Mathematical Reviews, 3316636, (2015).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Jordan Blocks of H 2 (D n)" , by J. Sarkar, J of Operator Theory, 72:371-385, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews, 3272037, (2015).
- H. Kaptanoglu, "Boundedness and Compactness of Operators on the Fock Space" , by X. Wang, G. Cao, K. Zhu, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 77:355-370, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3116663, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "The Minimal Mobius Invariant Space" , by G. Bao, H. Wulan, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 59:190-203, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3170753, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Ranks of Bacward Shift Invariant Subspaces of the Hardy Space over the Bidisk" , by K.J. Izuchi, K.H. Izuchi, Y. Izuchi, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 274:885-903, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3102647, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Review of Solution of Extremal Problems in Bergman Spaces Using the Bergman Projection" , by T. Ferguson, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 14:35-61, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3194312, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Representation of Continuous Linear Functionals in Anistropic Weighted Spaces of Anlaytic Functions in the Polydisc with Mixed Norm" , by F.A. Shamoyan, E.V. Povprits, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 59:462-483, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3177005, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A Reverse Schwarz-Pick Inequality" , by K.M. Dyakonov, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 13:449-457, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3102647, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel Operators with Anti-holomorphic Symbols on Complex Ellipsoids" , by M. Celik, Y.E. Zeytuncu, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 76:589-599, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3073947, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Equinormalizable theory for plane curve singularities with embedded points and the theory of equisingularity" , by C-T. Le, Hokkaido Math. J, 41:317-334, 2012, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3012454, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Log minimal model program for the moduli space of stable curves: the first flip" , by B. Hassett, D. Hyeon, Ann of Math., 177:911-968, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3034291, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Curves of low degrees on Fano varirties. Birational geometry, rational curves, and arithmetic" , by O. Debarre, Springer, New York, 133-145, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3114926, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Simply connected surfaces of general type in positive characteristic via deformation theory" , by Y. Lee, N. Nakayama, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., 106:225-286, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3021462, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Geometrie birationnelle equivarante des grassmanniennes" , by M. Florence, J. Reine Angew. Math., 674:81-98, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3010547, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Vector bundles on Fano varieties of genus ten" , by M. Kapustka, K. Ranestad, Math. Ann., 356:439-467, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3048603, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Singularity of a holomorphic map" , by J. Zhang, Houston J Math., 39:111-125, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3056431, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Geometric Auslander criterion for openness of an algebraic morphism" , by J. Adamus, E. Bierstone, P.D. Milman, Bull. London Math. Soc., 45:1060-1064, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3104997, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Covers of elliptic curves with unique, totally ramified branch points" , by S. Rubinstein-Salzedo, Math. Nachr., 286:14-15, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3119699, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Spaces of rational curves on hypersurfaces" , by R. Beheshti, N. Mohan Kumar, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc., 28:1-19, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3115185, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Hypersurfaces with many Aj-singularities:explicit constructions" , by J.G. Escudero, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 259:87-94, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3123473, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "pluricanonical maps of stable log surfaces" , by W. Liu, S. Rollenske, Adv. Math, 258:69-126, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3190424, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "The Poincare problem, algebraic integrability and dicritical divisors" , by C. Galindo, F. Monserrat, J. Diff. Equations, 256:3614-3633, 2014, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3186841, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "A new construction of D 5-singularities and generalization of Slodowy slices" , by K. Nakamoto, M. Tosun, J. Algebra, 376:139-151, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3003721, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Topological equisingularity of hypersurfaces with 1-dimensional critical set" , by J. Fernandez de Bobadilla, Adv. Math., 248:1199-1253, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 3107539, (2014).
- S. Sertoz, "Harder-Narasimhan filtrations which are nor split by the Frobenius maps" , by S. Bhaumik, V. Mehta, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci., 123:361-363, 2013, in Mathematical reviews on Web, 3102379, (2014).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A Refined Schwarz Inequality on the Boundary" , by T. Aliyev Azeroglu, B.N. Ornek, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 56:571-577, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews, 3038748, (2013).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Versions of Schwarz's lemma for Condenser Capacity and Inner Radius" , by D. Betsakos, S. Pouliasis, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 56:241-250, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews, 3043051, (2013).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Essential Norms of Weighted composition Operators from Weighted Bergman Space to Mixed-Norm Spaceon the Unit Ball" , by Z.H. Zhou, Y.X. Liang, H.G. Zeng, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 29:547-556, 2013, in Mathematical Reviews, 3019793, (2013).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Characterizations of Besov Spaces in the Unit Ball" , by S. Li, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 49:89-98, 2012, in Mathematical Reviews, 2931550, (2013).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A Schwarz Lemma for Non-Analytic Functions Defined in the Unit disk" , by M.E. Gageonea, M.N. Pascu, N.R. Pascu, Mathematica, 53:45-50, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2840628, (2013).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Generalised Poincare series and embedded resolution of curves" , by J.J. Moyano-Fernandez, Monatsh. Math., 164:201-224, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2837115, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On isolated log canonical singularities with index one" , by O. Fujino, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 18:299-323, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2906532, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularities. Classification of algebraic varieties" , by T. De Fernex, L. Ein, M. Mustata, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., 221-257, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2779474, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Endomorphisms of hypersurfaces of Fano manifolds of Picard number" , by I. Choe, Math. Nachr., 284:213-216, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2790882, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Quadratic forms and singularities of genus one or two" , by G. Dioussky, Ann. Fac. Sci.Toulouse Math., 6:15-69, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2829832, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On anti-pluricanonical systems of Q-Fano 3-folds" , by M. Chen, Sci. China Math., 54:1547-1560, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2824958, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On mixed Brieskorn variety. Topology of algebraic varieties and singularities" , by M. Oka, Contemp. Math., 538, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2777832, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "The ultrametric space of plane branches" , by I. Abio, M. Alberich-Carraminana, V. Gonzales-Alonso, Comm. Algebra, 39:4206-4220, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2855122, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Jets okf line bundles on curves and Wronskians" , by C. Cumino, L. Gatto, A. Nigro, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 215:1528-1538, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2769248, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Birational invariance of the S-fundamental group scheme" , by A. Hogadi, M. Vikram, Pure Appl. Math. Q., 7:1361-1369, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2918164, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Bertini-type theorems for formal functions in Grassmannians" , by J. Caravantes, Rev. Mat. Complut., 25:157-163, 2012, in Mathematical Reviews, 2876923, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Holomophic curves on irregular varieties of general type starting from surfaces. Affine algebraic geometry" , by S.S -Y, Lu, CRM Proc. Lecture Notes, 54:205-220, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2768640, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Automorphismes naturels de I'escape de Douady de points sur une surface" , by S. Boissiere, Canad. J. Math., 64:3-23, 2012, in Mathematical Reviews, 2932167, (2012).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "On Some Isometries on the Bergman-Privalov Class on the Unit Ball" , by S. Stevic, Nonlinear Analysis, 75:2448-2454, 2012, in Mathematical Reviews, 2870930, (2012).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "The Composition in Multidimensional Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces" , by M. Moussai, Mathematische Nachrichten, 284:317-331, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2790891, (2012).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "On a Product-Type Operator from Bloch Spaces to Weighted-Type Spaces on the Unit Ball" , by S. Stevic,, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217:5930-5935, 2011, in Mathematical Reviews, 2770212, (2012).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "The Essential Norm of the Genralized Hankel Operators on the Bergman Spaces of the Unit Ball in C^n" , by L. Lou, Y. Xuemei, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2010:342578-1--13, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2771237, (2012).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Cohomological characterization of vector bundles on Grassmannians of lines" , by E. Arrondo, J. Algebra, 323:1098-1106, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2578595, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On the stability of the universal quotient bundle restricted to congruences of low degree of G(1,3)" , by E. Arrondo, S. Cobo, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci., 9:503-522, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2722653, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Algebraic correspondences between genus three curves and certain Calabi-Yau varieties" , by T. Terasoma, Amer. J. Math., 132:181-200, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2597510, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Log canonical singularities are Du Bois" , by J. Kollar, S.J. Kovacs, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 23:791-813, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 26299888, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "An extension of Fujita's non-extendability theorem for Grassmannians" , by R. Munoz, G. Occhetta, L.E. Sola Conde, Math. Ann., 348:577-592, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2677895, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On the enumeration of complex plane curves with two singular points" , by D. Kerner, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 23:4498-4543, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2739803, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "The rationality of the moduli space of genus-4 curves endowed with an order-3 subgroup of their Jacobian" , by I. Bauer, A. Verra, Michigan Math. J, 59:483-504, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2745749, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Boundness from below of multiplication operators between a-Bloch spaces on the unit ball" , by M. Zhang, Acta Math. Sci .Ser.B, 5:1619-1630, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2778631, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Composition operators belonging to Schatten class" , by C. Yuan, Z-H. Zhou, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 81:465-472, 2010, in Mathmatical Reviews, 2639861, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "On the weighted composition operators from Hardy space to the weighted Bloch space over the unit disc." , by X. Chen, S. Ye, J. Math. Study, 43:211-222, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2683691, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Weighted harmonic Bergman functions as radial derivatives of Bergman functions on half-spaces" , by H. Yi, Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc., 13:97-99, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2656446, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Weighted composition operators between different Bergman spaces of bounded symmetric domains" , by X. Lv, X. Tang, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci., 119:521-529, 2009, in Mathematical Reviews, 2647196, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Extended Cesaro operators from Bergman spaces to Besov spaces in the unit ball" , by X. Lu, X. Tang, Adv. Math. (China), 39:179-186, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2668528, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Compact composition operators acting between weighted Bergman spaces of the unit ball" , by S-I. Ueki, Arch. Math. (Basel), 93:461-473, 2009, in Mathematical Reviews, 2563592, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Weighted differentiation composition operators from mixed-norm to Zygmund spaces" , by Y. Liu, Y. Yu, Numer Funct. Anal. Optim., 31:936-954, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2683714, (2011).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Boundedness from below of multiplication operators between a-Bloch spaces" , by H. Chen, M. Zhang, Canad. Math. Bull., 53:23-36, 2010, in Mathematical Reviews, 2583208, (2011).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Unions of curves and secant lines with maximal rank" , by E. Ballico, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., 55:231-235, 2009, in Mathematical Reviews, 2555603, (2010).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Flag Higher Nash Blowups" , by T. Yasuda, Comm. Algebra, 37:1001-1015, 2009, in Mathematical Reviews, 2503191, (2010).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Varieties swept out by Grassmannians of lines. Interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry" , by R. Munoz, S. Conde, E. Luis, Contemp. Math., 496:303-315, 2009, in Mathematical Reviews, 2555961, (2010).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On rational normal curves in projective space" , by E. Carlini, M.V. Catalisano, J. Lond. Math. Soc, 80:1-17, 2009, in Mathematical Reviews, 2520374, (2010).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Infinitesimal invariant and Massey products" , by C. Rizzi, Manuscripta Math., 127:235-248, 2008, in Mathematical Reviews, 2442897, (2009).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 and Jacobians" , by Y.G. Zarhin, Math. Ann., 340:407-435, 2008, in Mathematical Reviews, 2368986, (2009).
- A.S. Sertoz, "The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces" , by T. Shioda, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 84:51-56, 2008, in Mathematical Reviews, 2409500, (2009).
- E. Yalcin, "The nilpotent filtration and the action of automorphisms on the cohomology of finite p-groups" , by N.J. Kuhn, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 144:575-602, 2008, in Mathematical Reviews, 2418705, (2009).
- E. Yalcin, "Finitary group cohomology and group actions on spheres" , by M. Hamilton, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 51:651-655, 2008, in Mathematical Reviews, 2465929, (2009).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Curves on normal rational cubic surfaces" , by J. Brevik, Pacific J Math., 230:73-105, 2007, in Mathematical Reviews, 2008, (2008).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Non-birational Calabi-Yau threefolds that are derived equivalent" , by A. Caldararu, Int J Math., 18:491-504, 2007, in Mathematical Reviews, 2008, (2008).
- E. Yalcin, "On the p-modular cohomology algebra of a finite p-group and a theorem of Serre" , by K. Thas, C.R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 344:417-420, 2007, in Mathemtical Reviews, 2008, (2008).
- A. Gheondea, "Basic real Analysis" , by A.W. Knapp, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 465, 2005, in J of Operator Theory, 58, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Plane curves with ordinary multiple points and variables ordinary nodes" , by E. Ballico, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci., 2:241-244, 2007, in Mathematical Reviews, 2296776, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "The Diophantine Frobenius problem" , by R. Alfonsin, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Appl., 30:243, 2005, in Mathematical Reviews, 2260521, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Equisingular calculations fro plane curve singularities" , by A. Campillo, J. Symbolic Comput., 42:89-114, 2007, in Mathematical Reviews, 2284287, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Galois points on quartic curves in characteristic 3" , by S. Fukasawa, Nihonkai Math J., 17:103-110, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2290435, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Galois points for a Hermitian curve" , by M. Homma, Comm Algebra, 34:4503-4511, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2273720, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Rational curves in Grassmannians and their Plucker embeddings: an application" , by E. Ballico, S. Pasotti, F. Prantil, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci., 1:417-418, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2287586, (2007).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Cusps and codes" , by W.P. Barth, Math. Nachr., 280:50-59, 2007, in Mathematical Reviews, 2290381, (2007).
- E. Yalcin, "Transfer kernels for finite groups" , by K.W. Gruenberg, J. Algebra, 300:35-43, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2228632, (2007).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Vector Valued Diriclet-Type Functions on the Unit Ball of C n" , by Y.K. Li, P.D. Liu, Wuhan Univ J Natural Sciences, 10:499-503, 2005, in Mathematical Reviews, 2169590, (2007).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Weighted harmonic Bergman kernel on half-spaces" , by H. Koo, K. Nam, H. Yi, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 58:351-362, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2228563, (2007).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "Multipliers on Dirichlet type spaces" , by D. Jupiter, D. Redett, Acta Sci. Math., 72:179-203, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2249487, (2007).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "The Bohr inequality for ordinary Dirichlet series" , by H. Queffelec, Studie Math., 175:285-304, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2261747, (2007).
- H.T. Kaptanoglu, "A Characterization of Bloch space and Besov space" , by E.G. Kwon, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 324:1429-1437, 2006, in Mathematical Reviews, 2266571, (2007).
- A. Gheondea, "Dynamics in One Complex Variable 3rd edition" , by J. Milnor, Princeton Univ. Press, 304, 2006, in J Operator Theory, 56, (2006).
- S. Sertoz, "A formula related to the Frobenius problem in two dimensions" , by M. Beck, S. Robins, Number Theor, New York, 17-23, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "Arithmetic multivariate Descartes' rule" , by M.J. Rojas, Amer J. Math., 126:1-30, 2004, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "Indices of 1-forms and Newton polyhedra" , by A.I. Esterov, Rev. Mat. Comput., 18:233-242, 2005, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "An algorithm to solve the Frobenius problem" , by R.W. Owens, Math. Mag., 76:264-275, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "The Linear Diophantine problem of Frobenius" , by J. Bak, JP J Algebra Number Theory Appl., 5:147-161, 2005, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "Continuity loci for polynomial systems" , by A. Galligo, M. Kwiecinski, Algebra, arithmetic and geometry with applications, 315-324, 2000, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "On indices of meromorphic 1-forms" , by W. Ebeling, S.M. Gusein-Zade, Compos Math., 140:809-817, 2004, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "Singular curves and rank one torsion free sheaves" , by E. Ballico, Int J Pure Appl. Math., 19:61-68, 2005, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- S. Sertoz, "Refined upper bounds for the linear Diophantine problem of Frobenius" , by M. Beck, S. Zacks, Adv. In Appl. Math., 32:454-467, 2004, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2005, (2005).
- A. Gheondea, "The Implicit Function Theorem: History, Theory and Applications" , by S.G. Krantz, H.R. Parks, Birkhauser, Basel Boston Berlin, xii+163, 2002, in Journal of Operator Theory, 52, (2004).
- A. Gheondea, "Bounded and Compact Integral Operators" , by D.E. Edmunds, V. Kokilashvili, A. Meskhi, Kluwer Academic Publishers, xvi+643, 2002, in Journal of Operator Theory, 52, (2004).
- A. Gheondea, "Wavelet Transforms and Localization Operators" , by M.W. Wong, Birkhauser, viii+156, 2002, in Journal of Operator Theory, 52, (2004).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Universal abelian covers of quatient-cusps" , by W.D. Neumann, J. Wahl, Math. Ann., 326:75-93, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2004, (2004).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On quartics with three-divisible sets of cusps" , by S. Rams, Manuscripta Math., 111:29-41, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2004, (2004).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Curves on a smooth quadric" , by S. Giuffrida, R. Maggioni, Collect. Math., 54:309-325, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2004, (2004).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On a generalization of Mumford's result and related question" , by R.V. Gurjar, Advances in Algebra and Geometry (Hyderabad), 171-178, 2001, in Mathematical reviews on the Web, 2004, (2004).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On the extremal Frobenius problem in a new aspect" , by G. Kiss, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eotvos Sect. Math., 45:139-142, 2002, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2004, (2004).
- A.S. Sertoz, "On the number of solutions of the Diophantine equation of Frobenius--general case" , by T. Komatsu, Math. Commun., 8:195-206, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2004, (2004).
- A. Gheondea, "Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras" , by V. Paulsen, Cambridge Univ. Press, xii+300, 2002, in Journal of Operator Theory, 50, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Resolution of polynomial systems" , by D. Lazard, Computer Mathematics, 1-8, 2000, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2003, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Clifford index of smooth algebraic curves of odd gonality with big" , by B. Edoardo, C. Keem, Osaka J. Math., 39:283-292, 2002, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2003, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Numerical homotopies to compute generic points on positive dimensional algebraic sets" , by J. Sommese, J. Verschelde, J. Complexity, 16:572-602, 2000, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2002, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Stability of cubic 3-folds" , by M. Yokoyama, Tokyo J. Math., 25:85-105, 2002, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2003, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Automorphisms of finite order on Gorenstein del Pezzo surfaces" , by D.Q. Zhang, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 354:4831-4845, 2002, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2003, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Canonical curves of genus eight" , by M. Ide, S. Mukai, Japan. Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 3:59-64, 2003, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2003, (2003).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Finiteness for arithmetic fewnomial systems" , by J.M. Rojas, Contemp Math, 286:107-114, 2001, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Milnor classes of local complete intersections" , by J.P. Brasselet, D. Lehmann, J. Seade, T. Suwa, Trans Amer Math Soc, 354:1351-1371, 2002, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Minimal splitting surface determined by a projection of a smooth quartic surface" , by T. Takahashi, Algebra Colloq, 9:107-115, 2002, in Mathematical Reviews on the Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Transformations birationelles quadratiques de l'espace projectif complexe a trois dimensions" , by I. Pan, F. Ronga, T. Vust, Grenoble, 51:1153-1187, 2001, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Galois points on quartic surfaces" , by H. Yoshihara, J Math Soc Japan, 53:731-743, 2001, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Function field theory of plane curves by dual curves" , by H. Yoshihara, J Algebra, 239:340-355, 2001, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Nash residues of singular holomorphic foliations" , by J.P. Brasselet, Asian J Math, 4:37-50, 2000, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Simple singularities and complex reflections" , by P. Slodowy, Math Phys Chem, 21:329-348, 2000, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Algebraic geometry over four rings and the frontier to tractability" , by J.M. Rojas, Amer. Math. Soc, Providende, 270:275-321, 2000, in Mathematical Reviews on Web, 2002, (2002).
- E. Yalcin, "The subring of group cohomology constructed by permutation Representations" , by D.J. Green, I.J. Leary, B. Schuster, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 45:241-253, 2002, in American Mathematical Society, 2002, (2002).
- E. Yalcin, "On the permutation products of manifolds" , by Kera, Samet, Beitrage Algebra Geom., 15:275-284, 2001, in American Mathematical Society, 2002, (2002).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Field theory for the function field of the quintic Fermat curve." , by K. Miura, H. Yoshihara, in Comm. Algebra, 28, (2000).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Reduction Modulo [p] of smooth algebraic curves" , by D. Poulakis, in Arch. Math, 75, (2000).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Complexity theory, real machines, and homotopy" , by A.J. Sommese, J. Verschelde, Oxford Press, in J of Complexity, 16, (2000).
- A.S. Sertoz, "Conjugate birational transformations" , by R. Dussaud, Neuchatel Univ., in Publ. Cent. Rech. Math. Pures Se, 17, (1999).
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