Lecture: “The Architectural Odyssey of Modernity: How 19th. Century Persian Travelers Perceived European Space, ” Dr. Vahid Vahdat, Texas A&M University, FFB-06, 1:40PM March 2 (EN)

Department of Architecture is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Vahid Vahdat, Texas A&M University

Title : “The Architectural Odyssey of Modernity: How 19th-Century Persian Travelers Perceived European Space”
Date : Wednesday, March 2
Time : 13.40
Place : FFB-06
Speaker : Vahid Vahdat, PhD

Abstract: The lecture discusses the global circulation of modern architecture by examining the diaries of Iranian travelers who visited Europe in the mid-19th century. Through a mental odyssey, between the self
and a pre-imagined other, these travelers developed a syncretic understanding of modernity, by projecting their own expectations onto their observations of European space.

Biography: Vahid Vahdat is an architect and urban designer with a PhD from Texas A&M University. His primary field of research is the theory and history of non-Western modern architecture and urban space. He has taught architecture studios, lectures, and seminars in many universities in the US and abroad.